Premium Pantry Staples

Real Food | Better Life

  • Proudly Grown by USA Family Farmers
  • 100% Pure & Chemical-Free
  • Purposely packaged to stay fresh for decades

✨Taste the difference ✨

Wheatland's Premium Wheat Berries

Grown locally in Northern Utah & Southern Idaho. Hand selected for their excellent backing qualities

Wheatland's Powerfully Nutritious Foods

Real Food | Better Life

We Use Re-Sealable Mylar

Our foods are packed to last 25 years. Pour out what you need and save the rest for later.

Hard Red Wheat

Hard red wheat berries are rich in fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious choice for bread baking.

Bread made with hard red wheat flour has a hearty flavor with nutty undertones, adding depth and complexity to your bread with a satisfying chewiness.

Whatland's USA Grown

Our nutritious foods are grown in the USA by family farmers. Many are our friends and neighbors

Wheatland Wheat Comparison

A table comparing the facets of 5 products
Hard White Wheat Berries
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Hard Red Wheat Berries
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Soft White Wheat Berries
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Organic Hard Red Wheat Berries
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Wheatland Organic Einkorn Wheat Berries in 20 Pound Food Grade Bucket
Organic Einkorn Wheat Berries
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  • 25 lb Bulk
  • 25 year shelf-life
  • USA Grown
  • Resealable Mylar liner + Oxygen Absorber
  • Non-GMO 
  • Kosher
  • Chemical Free (NO Glyphosate)
  • Hand packed and individually inspected
  • 25 lb Bulk
  • 25 year shelf-life
  • USA Grown
  • Resealable Mylar liner + Oxygen Absorber
  • Non-GMO 
  • Kosher
  • Chemical Free (NO Glyphosate)
  • Hand packed and individually inspected
  • 23 lb Bulk
  • 25 year shelf-life
  • USA Grown
  • Resealable Mylar liner + Oxygen Absorber
  • Non-GMO
  • Kosher
  • Chemical Free (NO Glyphosate)
  • Hand packed and individually inspected
  • 20 lb Bulk
  • 25 year shelf-life
  • USA Grown
  • Resealable Mylar liner + Oxygen Absorber
  • Non-GMO
  • Kosher
  • Chemical Free (NO Glyphosate)
  • Hand packed and individually inspected
  • 20 lb Bulk
  • 25 year shelf-life
  • USA Grown
  • Resealable Mylar liner + Oxygen Absorber
  • Non-GMO 
  • Kosher
  • Chemical Free (NO Glyphosate)
  • Hand packed and individually inspected
  • Packaged with you in mind

    We Carefully package our foods to last for 25 years. Giving you peace of mind knowing your food will be fresh when you open it. Our foods are packaged in a food grade bucket and lined with resealable mylar. This way you can use a little now and save the rest for later, enjoying your food for years to come.

  • Our foods are pure and fresh

    Our foods are third party verified at an ISO 17025 lab to ensure quality and purity. Only foods that are pure and chemical-free get packaged for our customers.

  • Real Whole Foods

    We believe in real food. We are on a mission to provide families real food for a better life. We provide foods that are delicious and full of nutrients, foods that leave us feeling nourished and provide a connection to the natural world. 

    Foods that give you peace of mind knowing they were grown by family farmers in Utah and Idaho.